Activities with Rigor and Coherence: Each ARC is a series of lessons that addresses a mathematical topic and demonstrates the vision of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All.
Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics (AATM):
Bedtime math: Free App for parents and printables for family fun.
Calculation Nation: This website hosts a series of games that have strong mathematics embedded. The site is highly motivating and is beyond fluency or practice.
Conceptua Math: These are fraction and ratio technology tools. The tools are free, the lessons require a subscription. The tools approach fractions and ratios flexibily and encourage higher level thinking.
Dan Meyer's blog including 3 Act Math: Dan Meyer is a former high school math teacher who shows us how to integrate technology into math class through constructing your understanding and questioning.
Dan Schneider’s Blog This blog includes “braggable” assessments, resources for new teachers, ELL supports, and many other valuable ideas, resources, tools, etc.
Desmos: Desmos is a free computer-based programmable graphing calculator. Many prepared lessons are linked for classroom use.
Estimation 180:
Figure This: Figure This demonstrates challenging middle school mathematics and emphasizes the importance of high-quality math education for all students.
Gapminder: This website provides rich statistical displays with a great number of variables to use for inquiry-based lessons.
Geogebra: and Ted Coe: is a site with free math tools for teachers that focus on Geogebra. Topics include Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. Ted Coe is the curator of the site.
Illustrative Mathematics: Illustrative Mathematics provides guidance to states, assessmentconsortia, testing companies, and curriculum developers by illustrating the range and types of mathematical work that students experience in afaithful implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and by publishing other tools that support implementation of the standards.
Inside Mathematics: - Great tasks with student work samples & rubrics matched to the CCSS for math. Explore materials and tasks you can use immediately with your students. Inside Mathematics has aligned our tasks and assessment resources with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content. Note that you can make use ofthese standards through searching by grade level as well as by progression, so we have provided two routes through these tasks and otherresources.
Instructional Routines Fall 2022
LAUSD math Homepage through Achieve: Vast collection of resources organized for Los Angelas Schools K-12.
Math is Fun: Resources, puzzles, definitions, and games for grades 1-7.
Math Playground: This website provides problem solving and visualization support for students. The focus is the bar model (tape diagram).
NCTM: (membership required to access some of the resources)
The Math Forum Problems of the Week for Grades k-12:
NCTM Illuminations: Search for activities, lessons & weblinks for your grade level math standards. These can be lessons, units, or activities/interactive manipulatives.
Number Strings:
Open Middle: Challenging math problems worth solving Excellent tasks and tools to support cognitively demanding instruction.
Robert Kaplinsky: real world problem based lessons based on the content and practice standards.
Shell Center: The Mathematics Assessment Program (MAP) aims to bring to life the Common Core State Standards (CCSSM) in a way that will help teachers and their students turn their aspirations for achieving them into classroom realities. MAP is a collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley and the Shell Center team at the University of Nottingham, withsupport from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The team works with the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative and school systems across the USand UK to develop improved assessment. The materials from this project will support CCSSM but may require adjustment in questions to fully align to the standards.
Shodor: - Shodor offers activities, lessons, and discussions aligned to the standards. Many of these surround real world contexts. The questions can often be extended to get at even deeper understandings.
Tarsia Puzzles This website allows you to take a review worksheet and turn it into an interactive collaborative review tool that is fun and engaging.
TED-ed: Numerous problems posed to give practice for thinking mathematically.
Video Mosaic project: Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) is an interactive collaboration portal designed to enable teachers, teacher educators and researchers to analyze and utilize the real classroom videos shot over a span of 20+ years to make new discoveries in math education and transform mathematics research, teaching and learning
Visual Patterns; grades K-12: Nice resources to introduce patterns, algebra, and function lessons.
Youcubed: Mathematics is often the reason that students leave STEM, particularly girls and some students of color. We aim to change this by communicating the sources of math inequality in the US and by teaching the classroom methods that are needed for 21st century learning. By providing research based teaching methods, math tasks, videos, and ideas we intend to significantly reduce math failure and inequality in the United States and beyond, inspiring teachers and empowering all students to success. The major focus of the site is growth mindset and brain-based research on mathematics teaching and learning.
Math Lessons: These fractions lessons came from the California Mathematics Project, and are excellent lessons and units aligned to the CCSSM These lessons on transformations in HS Geometry came from the California Mathematics Project, and are excellent lessons and units aligned to the CCSSM These simulations support sense-making and conceptual understanding through modeling. – ELL Math lessons and tasks that focus on equity, depth, and understanding. This website is from NYC. It has CCSS units (modules) and lessons with aligned assessments and practice problems. The lessons and other resources are tightly aligned to CCSSm and are inquiry-based in format. The practice problems are designed to provide a variety, but teachers are expected to select a smaller amount (4-5 problems) to assign.
NYC Tasks, Units and Student Work - This K-5 website is from NYC. It has CCSS formative assessment units in Math. They are completewith student work, anecdotal comments and lesson plans. These may require a good deal of revision in some cases to meet the depth of the standard and move beyond procedures to conceptual understanding. Smarter Balanced assessment consortium sample items demonstrate next-generation item types and provide varied levels of items aligned to CCSSm standards. PARCC is a multi-state consortium working together to develop next-generation K-12 assessments in English and math. The sample items demonstrate next-generation item types and provide varied levels of items aligned to CCSSm standards. Implementing Mathematical Practice Standards helps illustrate student thinking through mathematical tasks, and improves teacher understanding of what the practice standards look like when students use them.